mercredi 27 août 2014

Hey Im Michael

...or Mike, or Crackjar, or Sunshine...Originally from Oakland, Living in the Mile High, I'm a Bartender and soon, going back to College, so again, a Student:arg:. I was first introduced to Reefing when i was little, my Dad had several tanks in our house, but his favorite was the Oscar Tank (scary watching those things eat goldfish), and go figure, mine was the Reef. After several years in my psychotic early teens, i had my first tank, which I lost time for after about a year, and left it for my Dad, which was soon torn down as he had to deal with my two younger sisters and I. Years later, that bug truly bit me and bit me hard, and now i'm on my path with 2 tanks, a 60G Cube, and a 7.5G Cube. But thanks to a very expensive Girlfriend:funny:, and relocating soon to Southern California for School, both Projects are on hold. The 7.5G is currently a Planted Tank for the time being.

I have many Hobbies and Intertests: Snowboarding (since the age of 4, competitive for 6 years, then Terrain Park Supervisor @ Buttermilk Mtn. Aspen/Snowmass for 7 years), Wakeboarding, Bicycling, Paintballing (played on MOD, CO Yard-Dogs, and subbed in on what was then Miami XSV, starting a new team soon hopefully, So-Cal People let me know), Art/Graffiti, Cars and Sportbikes (miss my R1:bawling:), MotoGP, i'm a Foodie, and of course, Reefing.

Thanks to TheReefTank I have learned much more about everything involving Reefs than I knew before, plus some that my Dad didn't even teach me, I'm grateful for all the information here and the people who also love this wonderful hobby. Can't wait to learn more and progress with my Projects and share them with everyone here! Cheers Everyone:beer:!

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