dimanche 31 août 2014

To Tang or not to Tang?

I have always been fascinated with the Yellow Tang, and wanted to get one. However, my tank is just over a month old, and has done it's initial cycle, as well as start growing unsightly algae, at the moment I have diatom algae, and green hair algae as well as some red hair which a very large turbo snail has been eating. With that being said, should I get a yellow tang, and let him decimate the algae, with my tank being so new? I have an emerald crab(very small), I bought 5 turbo snails, 4 small and 1 large.. The 4 small snails never did a **** thing until they died, meanwhile the 1 large snail has been an absolute beast and eaten all kinds of stuff on rocks. I also have 5 hermit crabs, and 2 damsel fish, both very small

My tank is 75 gallons, everything but the snails is thriving. So should I get the yellow tang and let him help me eradicate this green hair algae I'm starting to get? One other question, do turbo snails typically not do anything in your tank? Like I said, I bought 5, only one of them has done anything, and he was big when I got him.

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