samedi 30 août 2014


Good Morning, Everyone! :)

Mostly sunny and hot for the holiday weekend. Painters coming back and hopefully finish up the house today. $hocking what a gallon of good quality $tain cost$ these day$. :eek:

Eating healthy this morning with bran flakes, raisins and nanners. Folger's to wash it down with, of course.

Sorta odd first football weekend. VOLS play Utah State tomorrow in a rare Sunday evening game.

Really busy past couple of days with work and then yesterday, started out here with county officials swearing in ceremonies; then to another county for a retirement luncheon for a retiring old friend and colleague; then on to a different county for another old friend's retirement party. Lots of handshaking, hugging and speechifying but a good day. :agree:

Breakfast for the Tiger Swallowtails is sipping sweet nectar through that long proboscis from the thistles in Cades Cove.

Have a Satisfactory Saturday!


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