dimanche 31 août 2014

algae help.

i have a 180g with a 75g sump. lately i have been noticing brown algae growing on the glass and over the sand and some green bubble algae as well growing on the rocks. so i decided to buy some algae to try to fight back the growth but i don't think its working. i changed the lightbulb to 1650 lumens (day white) and i don't think that is woking ether.


salinity: 1.024




nitrates. <5


calcium. (api) 420


water changes every 10 days.

temp 78

lights in the main display go on from 8:30 to 8:30 with a 3 hour sunrise and sunset. and as soon as they go off the light in the sumo comes on until the next morning.

feed once a day. (2ice when ever i can). brine shrimp, pellets and algae sheets.

i have 4 tangs, 1 angel, 1 leopard wrasse, 3 clownfish, 2 shrimps a couple of news an frags.

any thoughts?

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