samedi 30 août 2014

I finally setup my frag tank

I've been thinking about setting up a fragtank for a while but when I thought about having to drill the holes and redo the plumbing I always decided not to do it. Well the other day I just went for it.

I used to have the 40g breeder that is on the floor on top of the stand. I moved that to the floor and will use that as the sump. I added another 40g breeder since it would fit perfectly in the old spot. I drilled 2 holes for 1" bulkheads. I have one of my overflows flow into the fragtank and the other flow directly into the sump. From the fragtank the overflow flows into the sump. Currently I have the skimmer pump running and exiting into the frag tank but I'm going to move the feed pump to the sump and probably keep the skimmer outlet in the fragtank. Anyways here is the picture of it set up and working.

My fishroom is a mess the next picture wont be this cluttered

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