dimanche 31 août 2014

Help!! High Nitrite / nitrate / ammonia levels

I have an Oranda and a black Moor. They started acting weird sitting at the bottom of the tank and really gasping. I recently changed my filter setup because the old one died. I think this caused a biological crash thus starting a new cycle. I went and got a liquid freshwater master test kit today and was shocked to find A nitrate level of 160 ppm and nitrite at around 1.0 ppm ammonia somewhere between .25 & .50. I was hoping it was swim bladder but after a week of constant pea shucking and making sure the filter was clean I figured it was something bigger. Can anyone tell me if there is a way of lowering these levels quickly and safely? I found and rescued these guys from an abandoned house. They were, as far as I could tell left alone with no food and no filter for two months if that is possible. That was a year ago. They've come to far to just let them them die without a fight. I Did a 25% water change today and plan on another tomorrow. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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