dimanche 31 août 2014

Bubbles on my sandbed?

Okay so I've made quite a few changes in the past couple of days and now I'm noticing bubbles in my sandbed...but only where the cyano algae is located. Not really sure what caused the bubbles or if it's a good sign or bad. Here are the changes I made.

- Increased my LED intensity and dropped them from 11 hours to 8 hours

- Added a frag tank. Nothing is in it just plumbed it into the system

- Upped the size of my return pump

- Replaced carbon and added gfo. I haven't ran gfo for a few months because I kept forgetting to order more

- Upped the flow in my tank by adding a new powerhead. I also reloacted the position of the old ones to try and get more flow on the sandbed

I've been battling a cyano outbreak for weeks now. My ro/di was bad and I probably did 3 water changes with pretty much straight tap water and didn't know it. Are these bubbles a good sign or a bad one do you think?

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