samedi 30 août 2014

Full siphon help

So I have a home-made overflow because I have no overflow boxes. My overflow consists of a PVC pipe that is cut to mimic the notches in an overflow and it is connected to the bulkheads in my tank. The holes are only 3.5" from the top of the tank (my fault for poor planning).

My water draining down my 2 drain pipes is loud (1" pipes). I thought I had it under control only to find a blockage on my return pump so I had very slow flow. Fixed that and now it's loud again.

I am thinking of going full siphon, since I have 2 holes. But I have 2 potential issues before I try this that I'd like advice on. First is no overflow box and second is the height of my holes being so close to the top.

So my first question is can the siphon drain be put deeper by simply using a 90 and lowering it in the water so it's about 6" from the top of the other drain? Can the other drain, which should have a small trickle use a piece of my home made notched pipe to get some surface skimming. Below is a pic of the current home made overflow.

Basically I'd just cut a piece of this and keep it much like it is now, but only connected to one drain, adjusted to the water top depth, and capped at the end. My understanding is that the valve on my siphon drain will allow me to adjust the water level and hence allow the second drain to have very slow flow down it.

Does this make any sense? Or any other ideas? I really don't want to add overflow boxes now and I'm not sure they'd help much with the noise anyhow.

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