dimanche 31 août 2014

New to Reef Tanks and need some advice

Hi all, I have been reading up on this and am learning a lot, so thank you all for helping out. I am getting ready to start to assemble my tank in a few weeks and wanted to get some advise from you all. Here is a brief description of my setup, I guess my question is more do I need anything else and are there things I don't really need.

265g Display Tank (Located on first floor)

90g sump (located in basement) - My idea is to part it in 4 chambers - Socks, Skimmer, Refugium, Return with heater.

UV (Wont turn on in beginning and may only have on for a few hours a day)-is it needed ??


Apex Gold

RO Filter

Return Pump

2 - Power heads

3 - 2' LEDs

Tank will have about 200# of "Live Rock" and about 18 bags of sand

My biggest confusion is Reactors and Dosing. I know I wont need them till I add my corals but I would prefer to have everything set up now and ready to go. I know I read somewhere that I can set up dosing through my Apex but is that the way to go? Some people are telling me no way I would need a reactor, I know I will be getting different views from here but I am also hopeful that I will be able to come out of this a lot wiser.

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