jeudi 28 août 2014

Creating a power outage plan

As hurricane season and blizzard season approach, I'm looking to create a power outage plan for my 20 gallon. (Freshwater 12g plan is to put a battery powered air pump in, wrap with blankets, hope for the best) I'm hoping to be able to create a plan to sustain everything for a minimum of 48 hours. I know that for this time period, oxygenation, water flow, and temperature control are important. I have purchased 2 battery powered air pumps. I plan on keeping at least 5 gallons of salt water on hand. Although I'm not a fan of additives, I've read that a bottle of Prime is a good thing to have on hand as well. I think I may look around to find a lower powered circulation pump to use for some water movement while still being energy efficient. A lot of the reading i've done on this issue seems to come from people from warmer regions, where cooling down is the issue/ice is the solution, not heating up. When we lose power, we lose heat to the house. Last year we had an indoor temp of 42 degrees at one point, so running my heater is a must. A generator is not an option for me, and I am not very tech/electrical savvy. So far my plan is to buy an inverter that can hook up to an automobile type battery, but I don't know what type I would need to supply enough power. (And I am hoping to stay under $200)

Any input/advise on this plan? Or care to share what your emergency plan is? Success or failure stories? Anything would be appreciated :)

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