dimanche 31 août 2014

Time to give it another go

Well I'll be picking up a melanous fairy wrasse after work today. It's the end of August so that means I'll be getting another heater as well since septmebers can bring wild temp changes. I'm also thinking about grabbing some chaeto to see if my cleaning regime is lowering nutrients. Will a standard house light grow it?

My buddy offered to sell me his magnificent snowflake clowns, he told me he bought them for 400$, I offered 40$ lol but if I do I won't put them in for 2-3 weeks.

I also found another seastar in my tank, this one is black and is about 1/4 the size of the other one I found on the frag I got last week (went in the 10g not the tank I'm about to put the wrasse in) so far I've been able to keep everything alive except for fish -.-

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