jeudi 28 août 2014

cycling questions

New here and after a long time of lurking, I had to open a thread. I have a 100 gallon tank that I tried cycling with dead shrimp. My ammonia stays at 0.5 ppm no matter what. After 2 weeks with the shrimp, I added a 4in mininitus grouper and small green brittle starfish. After 1 week with semi heavy feeding, my numbers have stayed. I used tap water for the initial fill and it has the same ammonia reading. I've got 90lbs of base live rock and 5lbs of cured live rock. 2in sandbed of white beach sand from FL. Refugium has 5in sand bed with same sand and caluerpa aelge with a 24 hour light cycle. I'm seeing diatoms in refugium. Fish seem to be happy and hungry. Also I have many bubbles in the refugium sand, with no discoloration.

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