dimanche 31 août 2014

my sand is horrible.

I have a 55g with I believe 40 pounds??? Of sand. Tank is almost a year old. Everything I buy to help turn over my sand doesn't work out. Sand bed is 1-2 inches deep.

My sand bed is disgusting, it develops spots in the sand and grosses me out. I've had nassarius snails, which get eaten by my orange spot demon goby. Sand cucumber wanted nothing to do with the sand and instead lives happily in the rocks. Sand conch eats the daylights out of hair algae and hates the sand. I recently bought a sand star and 3 of his legs are broken off at his body, but he's still alive so I'll leave him be I suppose. What can I get to help turn my sand? I periodically stir it up and it looks beautiful again, but quickly turns nasty again. Advice? Parameters are good, fish are happy and healthy, just gross sand.

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