vendredi 1 août 2014

Bug problem and the of the water kind

So as the summer has been pretty mild here in Missouri my good for nothing roommate shuts off the a/c and opens all the doors and windows. I live in a crappy trailer and have tried putting up screens on the doors as I hate Mosquitos biting me while I'm trying to get my education on reading this forum for hours after I get off work. Lately I've noticed I'm not the only one these bugs are pestering. At least once a day I end up picking out 10-50, yes that many bugs, mostly small flying beetle things, outta my water on both my 55g and 10g tanks. I'm worried because I work 10-12 hours a day thurs - sun so I'm not at home to pick all sorts of bugs out of the tank those days. On the 10g I've put a screen on it but this doesn't limit the bugs from getting in and on the 55gal I've got glass covers that cover all but about 2inches of the opening which sadly doesn't help much either.

Wednesday night I moved the 55 gal and 10gal onto a new stand that I made so I cleaned up both tanks and Thursday when I got home from work there were the bugs again. Not as bad because the a/c was on all day. This is even with the tops being covered.

I'm worried I won't be able to pick out the bugs fast enough before they die and start decaying and cause an ammonia spike. I've only got a coral banded shrimp & turbo snail left so feeding is minimal and I siphon out detritus every other day since the 10g is bare bottom. The cbs I feed a peice of shrimp every couple days and pick out what is left after he decides he is done with it and feed formula 1 & 2 which I strain to help keep excess nutrients at bay. Feeding is done about 2-3 times a week and 50% wc each week on the 10g. Algae growth has slowed down since I started straining the food and doing 50% wc.

Having a tank in my living situation is a very bad idea and I'll be moving out soon. My friend and I will be getting an apartment and the environment will then be much more controlled and best of all no bugs! But in the meantime I need to come up with a better plan to keep bugs out of the tanks until then. The 55gal I'm not as worried about cuz it's still cycling but I fear the 10g with it's small water capacity could crash a lot easier

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