dimanche 1 juin 2014

Stocking of my 40 gal. (Bio-load?)

My tank is a 40 gal. DT with a 20 gal. sump. (With Chato) I have a skimmer and a phosphate reactor. I have 70 lbs. of dry rock, and 100 lbs. of live sand.

I currently have star polyps, zoanthids, Duncan coral, a couple hard corals (Don't know what they are?) a damsel fish, a percula clown, 20 small glass shrimp, a few small hermits, 2 feather dusters, and about 100+ cerith & nassarius snails.

There are also some stow away pistol shrimp in my live rocks. Not sure how much amphipods and copepods are in the tank.

My question is How many fish do you guys think I can add? (Since I already have 2)

I want a tang, (purple, powder blue, or a powder brown) Which ever I can get.

Skunk cleaner shrimps, and maybe a wrasse.

Do you guys think that would be too much? Can I do more?

My test are good!

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate barely registers

Calcium 400 ppm

Alk 180 ppm

I dose B-ionic 2 part and I do water changes 10% every week or two. (Even if my tests are good.)

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