samedi 28 juin 2014

Help getting rid of green water!

Hey guys, it's me again I've now had a completely green tank for 6-7 weeks and nothing I've tried seems to help. At this point I'm considering giving my anemones back as they are both really bleached and I think my green bubble tip might be too far gone. Of all things this started after I switched from a hang on back filter to a protein skimmer and when I started using RO water. I've tried doing many water changes, one day I even changed 36 of 55 gallons, but it always just goes right back to being super dark green. Someone suggested I use chemipure elite which has now been in my skimmers return for 1 day. I think I should get a uv sterilizer, but haven't yet for a couple reasons: 1 I heard it will kill off my pod population which has for the past 8 months been flourishing 2. I heard that it isn't a good idea on a newer tank like mine and 3. While a uv sterilizer will kill the green water it won't fix the underlying issue. I currently don't have a test kit but hope to get my water in to my lfs for testing maybe sometime this week. So, if the chemipure helps eliminate phosphates how long should it take the green water to die?

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