dimanche 29 juin 2014

algae issue I haven't seen before

When moving from the 175g to the new 210g, I reused the same LR. I had blown out the detrius with a maxijet 1200, rinsed it thoroughly in a bucket of salt water, let sit in a tupperware ccontainer with a heater and powerhead for five days and repeated on the way into the new tank. The 175g had also been running without lights for about a month. Some of the really bad rocks were soaked over the course of three days in fresh water to make sure there wasn't any aptasia, etc left alive.

I put everything into the new 210g and ran without lights for the first two weeks. I am now running Three 3w LED units above the tank (running at 2w). I have had it running for about two weeks with the lights, a few days of which I was out of town.

I am measuring zero for nitrates and phosphates, but have seen an algae I haven't seen before. It is almost like hair algae, but very fine and a very light yellowish green color. It is very fast growing and is so fine that it floats rather than sicks, meaning it gets into the powerheads very easily. It is fine enough that it goes right through the filter screens and wraps around the innerworkings. It was wrapped enough to shut down two maxijets (a 1200 and a 600). I pulled the other three for precautionary reasons and took a toothpick to them all to clean them.

I did a 25% water change today and the skimmer was going nuts when I restarted it (SRO3000). I have never seen algae like this and never seen algae grow so fast. My trochus and cerith snails won't touch the stuff. Any idea what it is? It was too fine to get in a picture. Hoping that with standard water changes, it will eventually disappear on its own? I never saw it in the last tank (4 years) and used the same LR, so am confused. It was present before I got the snails, so didn't come with them.

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