vendredi 27 juin 2014

Cycling a new 55 gal. reef tank


I have a 55 gal. Bow front reef tank that i got from a friend of mine who was tearing down his old tank and gave me the tank and live rock. I received it a couple months ago and set it all up with saltwater running in the tank that same day. I recently (about a week ago) took out the water and repositioned the live rock because i was upset with the was i first aqua scaped the tank. I left about an inch of water above the live sand as to keep that alive but my live rock was out of water for about a day. My question is: is my tank still done cycling or did i just kill of everything that i had previously had set up? i want to go to the fish store and pick up a few snails and shrimp (cleaning crew) but i don't want to harm them. Help!! :)

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