vendredi 27 juin 2014

Inhabitant Compatability

I am setting up my 110 gallon soon and wanted to see what you guys think of how I plan to stock it. I plan to do it all slowly of course. The display is 110 gallons with 12 gallons in the sump and 5 in each overflow. 132 gallons total. My aquascape will be 3 individual rock islands with various soft Corals. Here are the fish I plan to add:

2 Oscellaris Clowns

2 Pink skunk Clowns

1 Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby

1 Flame angel

1 Cherub Angel

1 Mandarin

2 Yellow tail damsels

And maybe some anthias or green clown Goby.

Do you think ill have any problems with these fish getting along with themselves, my Corals or the size of my tank?

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