samedi 28 juin 2014

BTA Thin Tentacles?

I have a Lemon Drop (pink, yellow, and green) BTA that has been acting a little strange the past week.

Unfortunately it chose the back corner of my tank to make its home for the last year and a half, and so I have a hard time getting a good look at it, but its tentacles have been sort of stringy and thin this last week, and it hasn't been as out in the open as it usually is.

It has been eating, so that's a good sign - I feed it a meaty blender mush of brine shrimp, mysis, blood worms, plankton, cyclopeeze, prawn eggs, garlic guard, marine algae, and aminomega which is produced by my lfs.

It also hasn't lost any color.

I do think I may have seen its stomach (a white bubble looking thing) coming from its mouth a few minutes ago, but now it is back to normal. I don't know if this is normal for expelling waste? I've never seen it expel waste before since it faces away from me most of the time.

One thing I did start doing recently was dosing with kalk, which acts as a drip into the sump and comes through the return, which is basically right on top of the anemone - I'm concerned this might be causing it problems?

Can someone give me some advice on what might be happening?


Salinity: 1.024

Ph: 8.1

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 1

Ca: 415

Alk: 7.1

These images were taken through to top of the tank with all power heads turned off so I could get as clear of a picture as possible:

This is how it normally looks:

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