vendredi 27 juin 2014


Okay, I've been battling this for a while and I'm getting frustrated. I have brown algae on the live rock and live sand and green algae growing daily on the glass. Can't ever seem to get a nice clean tank. Looking for suggestions!

I have a year old 125 gallon reef tank w/ 40 gal sump and skimmer. I have a yellow tang, a blue tang, a clown fish, a rabbit fish and two small cardinals and a purple headed dottyback. I have about 15 marguerite snails and three conch's as cleanup crew. Sandbed is about an inch thick.

I have an RODI that automatically tops off the sump. I have two filter socks that filter the returning water from the two returns. Two powerheads at the top 1/4 of the tank and strong aeration and circulation by means of a 1200 gpm pump.

I feed twice daily, pellets in the am and brine shrimp in the evening. All is pretty much consumed immediately. Some days I only feed once.

LED lighting in place which runs about 6 hours per day. (white and blue) If I don't turn the lights on for a few days, I don't get the brown algae which is like a dust on the rocks. As soon as I turn on the lights, within an hour, the tank is brown. It's almost immediate.

I also get this purplish color under the sand where the sand meets the glass.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!

I was told by the LFS to do 25% water changes weekly which I was then told by a group online not to do. I've tried both ways and it doesn't matter with regard to the algae.

PH is usually between 8.2 and 8.35. All other parameters are 0 with the exception of Phosphates which sometimes will be a little elevated but not quite .025 as tested. I have a bag of phosguard in the sump. I do weekly if not bi-weekly changing of the filter socks and cleaning of the skimmer.

What should I or should I not be doing? Am I feeding too much? Too much light?

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