samedi 28 juin 2014

Apex to Jebao Harness WP/DC pumps

Thought I would share this here as well.

Best update I made to my Apex with amazing control. I use the cable on 2 WP-40 pumps on my 120gal. Not sure if more information is needed by anyone, or if it explanatory enough on its own, but here is how I did it.

Yes, an Apex uses 0-10v from the variable speed ports. This cable splits the voltage to 0-5v that is used by the Jebao WP and DC pumps.

***Keep in mind that different venders have different color wires for the 3 pin waterproof connection, so if you do one yourself, but sure to test the pin outs on it before or you risk dropping 24v into your VSP.***

***On other threads that I found to help me build this, they all said that any 2 resistors will work for this. NOT any 2 will work. I use 1/4w 2.7k Ohms and have used 1/4w 1k ohm with no issues. I recently reviewed a build someone did that was not working. They had used 10 Ohm resistors...they did not work! I do not know the minimum size required, but just thought I would add that. ***

***I also suggest getting a harness assembled without dismantling your current controller. 2 reasons mostly. One, IF something ever happens to your Apex, you will have no way of controlling your pumps until you get it fixed. Two, if you ever are looking to sell them, upgrade your tank etc, then they will be worthless without a controller.***

I use the following for the pins on the ethernet patch cable. Info is in the Apex guide as well though.

This is the orange and orange/white ethernet cable wires as noted above, controlled by the V2 or V4 depending which port you are plugged into. Do not mind the bad soldering, I have gotten 100x better and quicker now that I have made dozens of double cables and waiting on parts for more.

If you purchase a cable off Aliexpress, (search Ali or eBay for 3x0.75 SQMM LED Light Strips 3 Pin Waterproof Connector Cable)typically the Blue will be your +DC, brown will be ground and Yellow/Green will be 0-5v variable signal. Here is a pic to get an idea of what wire goes where.

Double check the continuity and be sure that the cable you bought matches. If not, it is okay, just be sure to adjust your project according to your cable.

Here we go...

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