dimanche 29 juin 2014

Pump for 200 Gallon Calculations

I plan to have my sump in the stand for my 200g tank. I would like 2 return pumps in case one fails.

By what I've read, I want 3x to 5x tank volume going through the sump per hour. So on the high end, that would be 1000gph, so each pump should ideally be doing 500gph by the time it gets back to the tank?

Obviously loss of flow has to be taken into consideration, so using calculations I found on this page, I would be losing about 350 gph from all the various plumbing on one of the return lines.

So using the charts I found for the various pumps, if I found one that could pump around 850-1000 gallons at 5 feet of head would that work for the one pump?

I just want to make sure my calculations are correct before I buy anything.

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