samedi 28 juin 2014

Clowdy Water

I have had my tank for 2 months now, I have a 75 gallon reef tank, with right now 55lbs of live rock, 2 inch sand bed. no sand is suspended but my tank is still clowdy, when the lights are out I can see through the back clearly but the long ways is still a little clowdy, I can see through when the lights are on but its still to clowdy for my liking, I am running carbon, a protein skimmer, some filter media for bigger chunks, I am new and I have probably to big of a bio load, I have 2 clownfish, yellow tang, salfin tang, powder blue tang, snowflake eel, royal gamma, purple pseudochromis, and one damsel. they are all healthy all my levels are where they need to be, salinity is at 1.023-24. pleaseeee help I also have a frag of zoas. and snails and 1 urchin and a shroom

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