jeudi 19 juin 2014

Peppermint Shrimp vs Cleaner Shrimp

We have a peppermint shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. Was it a bad idea to get both?

We got the peppermint shrimp first and when we got the cleaner shrimp (about 2 weeks later) the guy at the shop said it would be ok.

We haven't seem them actively fight but our peppermint shrimp seems to be frightened of the cleaner shrimp, it's like they are constantly playing hide and seek, with the cleaner shrimp slowly chasing our peppermint around the tank. He never actively chases the peppermint, but the peppermint is definitely doing his best to avoid the cleaner.

The cleaner shrimp is also a bit hectic. He even seems to bully our clowns, swimming up to them and almost grabbing them. Is he just trying to aggressively clean them?

Sorry for all the bizarre questions, we are new to this game and fairly neurotic about everything.

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