lundi 2 juin 2014


Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready for you folks that are running late. Lots of cereal choices, but hot and cold. Nanners, strawberries, blueberries, freshly cut pineapple.

Comp day today, so there's quite a list. Might mow this AM to get it over.

Helen - Sorry to hear about the raccoons activity in your chicken coop :(

About public libraries - we have 6 colleges in Spartanburg (yeh, that's high for a town this size). College students don't use our library that much because they have libraries at their schools. Plus, while we provide good reference materials of all kinds, we don't compete with academic libraries. Cost would b be prohibitive to have 24/7 public libraries. Doug - you are correct on keeping kids reading through the summer. There are some GREAT small libraries around the US, and they do a first class job in helping kids stay involved with reading. Our philosophy in Spartanburg County Libraries is to help keep state funding for libraries. Small libraries in particular are at risk, and are critical to the life of their communities. And that's the truth!

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone.

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