mardi 10 juin 2014

New ReefCorner 120W LED Configuration Shipping

Our CR120D and CR120P lights have been very popular, but we have continued to look to further optimize the LED layout for best coral color and growth. Since we have our own coral growing and holding system which utilize many of our CR120, CR180 and CR38 PAR lights we have the ideal setup to evaluate our own products and product changes.

Over several months we have migrated our lighting systems over to an LED configuration which we feel gives the best look to the tank as well as has demonstrated very good growth and coloration of the corals that we maintain.

  • We found no value in lower Kelvin white LEDs and now utilize a mix of 14,000K and a new 20,000K LED that is unique in the marketplace.

  • We added 440nm Deep Blue LEDs to the LED mix on both the blue and white channel to give a better blue and white color spectrum.

  • We added 580nm Yellow LED for better color reproduction

  • As always, we include 380nm True UV LEDs which are unique in the marketplace.

  • Similar to our CR180 light series, we now selectively apply the optical lenses. UV, Red, Yellow, Cyan, Green and Moon Channel LEDs do not have lenses applied. This ensures the best possible light spread of these LEDs for best color mixing and to reduce any hot spotting or color banding that you can sometimes get with LEDs.

The updated layout is shown below. To our knowledge, no other lighting is using 20K LED or 380nm UV LEDs in their products.

Here is a pic of one of our tanks with the new lighting in place.

As always, besides our great pricing we offer free shipping on our lights. You can follow the links below to get more info on these products.

CR120D Manually Dimmable 120W LED Light

CR120P Programmable Dimmable 120W LED Light

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