mercredi 25 juin 2014

My Trials and Tribulations with White Worms

To start off, this post would not be possible without the generosity from Creamhorses going way above and beyond to help me out.

I first came upon the idea of raising worms for fish food through TRT. Black worms are what I read first. Then came across some posts about white worms. After reading the pros and cons of each, I decided to try to raise some white worms. They seemed to be a little easier to care for and cultivate.

I then began to look online for some white worms to start my own culture. The only thing I really found were small cultures I could order, and would have to wait 1-2 months before feeding. Then I came across a post on TRT by Creamhorses. He mentioned that he had somewhat of an abundance of his own white worm farms, so I asked him if he would be interested in sending me some so I could start my own stock. As it turned out, he was going to be making a trip from his state through Jersey where Im from, right through the town that I live in. What are the chances of that?!?!?! After a few messages back and forth, we were not going to meet in person, but he was going to have someone bring the worms for him, and I was going to have someone pick up the worms for me. At the point of the drop off, lol, both parties met up without anyone getting lost. The white worms made the 200 mile journey to their new home in my basement with out any problems.

I cant thank Creamhorses enough for going out of his way to get me the worms. And on top of that, giving me some pointers and answering some questions I had after the fact. Well just over a week later, the worms have settled in, as they did seem a little distraught from the trip, but they are good and eating well. But more importantly, the fish are most grateful, especially the clowns!

I decided that since I am new to this, I should start some additional cultures in case one should crash I would have a backup. And since Im doing this, I took some pictures of what I did and put it here. I will update this with the progress, good or bad. Iv decided to try 4 additional cultures, three in smaller containers similar to the one Creamhorses gave me, and one a tad bit larger.

If anyone has any comments on what Im doing, whether its good or bad, feel free to post here. If someone can learn from this in the future, then all the better.

Here is a pic of the culture from Creamhorses:

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