jeudi 26 juin 2014

My carpet is better with my clown than without

Hi, i'd like to talk about my purple carpet anemone (Stichodactyla haddoni), mine doesn't have the spots underneath its foot.

I use to own designer snowflakes clowns that had no interest for my anemone, which was a real disapointment. i like the robe of my fish but somehow my goal of a relationship with both of them was crushed.

After several months, i exchanged my beloved snowflakes for the Amphiprion clarkii, and with in 5 min the clowns just dove into the nem. Since this the nem has transformed . Much more alive i should say, shenwas healthy before , but now that the clown are cleaning her, specially going under her mantle and brushing her mantel and stimulating her, she's just expanding more it seems, have her saddle shape even more, even her color seem more intense.

Anyone have a similar experience.

the pictures are with two different lighting one with and without the actinic.

Taken 5 min after they where introduced, late at night.

Daytime pictures she started to move and became more alive.

Her color is more pronouced .

This little guy hasn't been evicted yet, they seem to tolerate him

She's on the move she was in the back now she's cruising towards the from and going west, lol

I have to move stuff out of the way now, between her and the pistol shrimp in the tank its worst than having a beaver in there, lol.

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