jeudi 26 juin 2014

Brainstorming Next Tank

Hey TRT,

I have kept a couple of smaller reef tanks over the past 4 years, the largest being a 40B mixed reef. My father had a 180 gallon reef that I helped maintain and build.

Long story short, I feel unfulfilled with my previous tanks...I need something bigger and better.

I am thinking of doing one of these two options for my next build:

1. A clownfish harem tank. Much like the one BRS has going right now. I have always love the symbiotic relationship between the clowns and anemones. I also have a ton of interest in breeding and eventually selling clowns to my LFS. I calculated the cost of the BRS tank and it runs just over $5,000.00 in dry goods.

2. A mixed reef Red Sea Max S-series tank. I'm looking at the s-500. I like the way they look and they have a proven track record. It never hurts to have it be an AIO system.

I will be putting a controller on either option I choose. I have not used a controller before so I feel I am missing out on the automated aspects of reef keeping.

Just looking for advice on either option. Which would you choose and why?

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