mercredi 25 juin 2014

Magic formula to avoid overstocking

So who has got it?

Is there a Current Discussion thread out there I can't find - A Geoff "Tank Stocking Made Easy- what is not explained"

I've seen variations of the inches per gallon rules but we all know that is way too simple.

We have to take in account water quality expectations for types of corals, skimmer size, flow, substrate, fish type (predator, herbivore, scavenger), amount of live rock. - I get it, but how do we apply those variables to get a better ballpark estimate.

i.e. will I be able to add a couple dwarf lions, a yellow tang, and a blue hippo to my 155G already stocked with a volition, puffer, and soldierfish. (no I haven't looked at compatibility yet, just throwing it out there)

What is the best way to calculate or test the theoretical limits of our individual tank's bio-load?

What I would really like is something like this:

1. Start with inches/gallons based on required water quality of coral types

2. add/subtract inches for skimmer quality, bb/substrate, live rock poundage

3. have multipliers for different fish based on eating habits

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