jeudi 19 juin 2014

Little Hippo is ill....not traditional ich?

So I have had a small (about 2 inches) hippo tang that I got from my LFS about three months ago. He was in their tank for 1-2 months and was ich free at the time I picked him up. He spent 6 weeks in my QT tank during which he showed zero signs of any illness. Low and behold I pop him in my DT and the following week he is showing signs of ich.

While I've never seen ich in a maine tank I am regrettably familiar with it in freshwater tanks. This didn't look like the ich I was used to but looked closer to ich than any other disease. At this point the flame angel I added from QT to the DT developed ich (no shocker, being an angel). I treated with Ruby Reef ich treatment and parasite treatment and the angel cleared up right away. None of my other fish show any signs of ich or illness at all.

My hippo, although still active and eating well, seems to have changed from more of a "salt-dusted" look to more of a fuzzy, cottony coating that almost looks like he's molding in spots. This morning I noticed that one of his eyes is cloudy. I would love to put him in QT but honestly, I have spent a total of 3 hours trying to catch him and have given up.

Any idea what is going on with him and how I should treat? I do have shrimp and some softies and a LTA so copper is out of the question. Should I buy another batch of kich-ich and give a second cycle a shot?

Any advice is appreciated.

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