lundi 9 juin 2014

Does food affect coral coloration?

Curious if anyone has thoughts/experience on this. I know that food can affect fish coloration. I wasn't sure if it could have the same effect on corals.

As an example, I recently bought some New Life Spectrum Ultra Red pellets. They're supposed to highlight orange/red tones in fish. I have a snowfish clown who has really deep orange in him, so I thought it might help keep his colors deep.

I have several corals with reds in them as well. Some favia, favites, acans, lobo, zoas, chalice, etc. If there any chance that feeding these pellets would also give more color to corals?

Side note: I have a red chalice that I got for $1 from the LFS because it was nearly dead. It has remained mostly dead for months. This morning it ate a whole 1mm pellet, which is great news. If I can keep it eating, I think it might just bounce back. So rewarding rescuing a coral!

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