mardi 24 juin 2014

Do corals add to the 'bio-load'?

Hi folks,

My tank has been up and running for about 6 months now, some assorted mushrooms, zoas, button polyps, and a couple kenya trees. Getting a little 'bonus' comming in next week and was planning on finaly trying to order some new coral on-line. Been a little nervious to try on-line live stock, but am going to take the plunge....probably from blue-zoo, they seem to have a fantastic selection of 'softies'. But any way, does there come a time, like adding fish, when coral start to overload a reef system? My 45G is still pretty sparse looking forward to them all growing up and taking over as they go. But there are just some additions I simply must have so I'm not yet finished adding.

I've been given a 220G that my wife has given me permission to bring in and set up a little latter this summer, God willing! So I'm kinda, sorta viewing this 45G as my practice stage, all though she says we're keeping it set up also. Looks too beautiful in the corner of our living room, and a real conversation piece for all our entertaining.

I've seen some gorgious reef tanks on here, and some are pretty 'wall to wall' coral, so I was just checking before I put too much on my plate. Thanks for any advice, or wisdom,


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