jeudi 26 juin 2014

Transfering Tanks(upgrading)

Alright I need some of you experienced folks out there to help me with a big task. I will be moving next month I am now trying to plan my 29gal to 110gal transfer. I plan to move part of the LR whenever I move a fish so that the bioload and filtration available doesn't fluctuate to much. Here is my plan so far.

Day one-add water, new sand, 20lbs of LR(not from 29), and 2 yellowtail damsels

Week 1- test parameters, add another 5lbs of LR from 29gal and 2 clowns from 29gal.

Week 3- test again, add more LR and Oyster Goby

Week 4- add remainder of LR from 29gal, cherub angel, all inverts and corals How does that sound?

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