mercredi 25 juin 2014

Switch to Saltwater!

So, I've had African Cichlids for about a year now, and because of our water, have had to constantly buffer to get the ph and hardness up to proper levels. The fish I've had have done wonderfully, but the problem is the aggression. I know that's a cichlid trait, but the ones I got, were supposed to be of the peaceful variety.

A few months ago, I sold a group of 3, with the intention of selling the other 3, and getting my Taiwan Reef cichlid some girls. Problem is, I am having difficulty selling the other 3. Definitely a sticky wicket.

My daughter wakes up one morning and asks why we can't have a Nemo fish, and I got to thinking...why can't we? Anyhows, the saltwater bug was then planted.

I have always wanted a saltwater tank, but since i hadn't ever taken care of an aquarium, was a little bit shy about jumping into that. So I learned about the fishless cycle, and water chemistry, and such. My hand with freshwater has been very helpful, but I still want a saltwater tank. I even told my wife, that when we move, I will have a 120-150 gallon saltwater aquarium in our family room, and I'll sell the 75, or whatever.

I talked to my wife today at lunch and she was ok, with selling the cichlids, providing we get a pair of clownfish. don't know if that's possible, but I'll read up to see if we can do that.

Been reading up on what I'll need to get...the list is long.

I'll need: My tank drilled, An internal overflow box (size TBD), a sump (probably proflex model 3), a protein skimmer, some live rock, dry rock, and aragonite sand.

I'll have to sell, at least 7 cichlids, my texas holey rock, my black cichlid substrate, and my 2 filters. If I do this right, I'll be able to make $500 towards my new equipment purchases.

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