mercredi 25 juin 2014

Opinion Wanted: My idea for a dual-tank, split sump corner setup

Hi All:

I have an idea that's starting to take shape in my head, and I wanted to share with the group for a sanity check.

First off, I am an experienced fishkeeper, but only ever with small tanks. I've never done a big rig, but I am constantly seeing amazing things going on in this forum, and it has gotten me excited and my creative juices flowing. I want to get into the FOWLR approach with refugium and sump.

I have a corner space in my living room that's not too huge, and I'd like to do a corner setup. Rather than spend thousands for a custom L-shaped tank to fit in the corner, and rather than take up huge amounts of deep floor space with a pentagon corner, it occurred to me that I can put two separate tanks in that corner, giving me a similar visual effect as an "L", like this:

But these tanks could also be configured to share the water, givng me one big ecosystem, but an effectively "partitioned" environment (from a livestock perspective). My goal is to get as much water volume into this system as possible.

As you can see from the pics, I'm shooting for a 90g tank next to a 65g tank, with maybe 30g+ in sump and refugium, so I can squeeze almost 200g of water volume into a relatively small space that occupies the corner. Visually, it could be stunning.

So as I ponder these ideas, I've just made my very first quick sketch below:

I'm looking for opinions on whether this approach makes sense at all, and more importantly, whether it will work as outlined. I'm aiming to get a conversation started that will hopefully result in a build kicking off pretty soon.

Thanks so much for your time. Please let me know what you think!


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