lundi 9 juin 2014

Getting discouraged...

So, I've always wanted a reef tank, and now that we've bought our first home and settled in, I'd really like to make my tank a marine set up. I have been reading for days and wondering how I am going to hack this. My tank is 60g long, and is made of tempered glass so I can't drill it. Also the cabinet below is not very tall or deep, just long. So I guess what I'm reading is, to set up a sump (which I really wanted to do) I'll need an hang-on-back overflow box, but then arises so many problems? Also if I do have a sump in the cabinet, it would have to be rather shallow for us to be able to get our hands in there and work around it. The part of the stand that has a cabinet is 50W x 12H x 10D. Can I make it long and shallow or is that not feasible? Please help me weigh out my options here!

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