lundi 9 juin 2014

Custom Top of Tank Sump - Thoughts / Criticisms please

Hi All,

I am setting up a new 55g reef, wife got me some stuff for my birthday so I could get out of my bio cube reef and have something more substantial again.

I needed to build a custom canopy which could house both the lighting and filtration because a under tank setup was not possible because of where the tank is.

So I am building a massive 16" tall wood enclosure that will hold everything inside and out of site. Because of this set up, I needed to build a custom sump and this is what I came up with, diagram below. Please give me your thoughts and criticisms! Will this work, what problems do you see, ect.

Brief explanation of the sump flow:

1) 450 / 500gph powerhead sends water up 1/2 PVC to the 1st chamber which is filled with some media filtration / carbon or what ever

2) 1st chamber under flows through drilled acrylic to 2nd chamber which will hold the protein skimmer (I'm thinking Octopus BH50 should suffice and fit nicely in a smaller space and only requires 6" of water).

3) chamber 2 over flows on to chamber 3 which will hit a sheet of drilled acrylic that will cause a raining effect on to some bio material for bio filteration. Lava rock / sponge / substrate, ect.

4) chamber 3 under flows through drilled acrylic to chamber 4 which is a refugium

5) Refigum over flows to tank return which is two 1/2 pvc flowing in different directions.

See diagram attached (yes, it's paint and I suck at drawing).

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