jeudi 19 juin 2014

Clown fish swimming funny

Hi everyone

We just introduced two little ( about 1.5 inches) clowns into our 60l Boyu tank. They are our only fish, we also have a cleaner shrimp, a peppermint shrimp, split brain coral, polyps and a pryamid snail. Water has been tested and everything is normal. Our one clown, the more yellow one, is swimming weirdly though. He seems to be struggling to stay balanced, he is always leaning to one side (not always the same side) or swimming up or down, seems to be struggling a bit. He is eating and seems happy enough. Should we be concerned about him?

Our pyramid snail didn't seem to be doing so well this morning either, will post another thread for him, but could the two be related?

I'll try post a pic now

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