vendredi 2 septembre 2016

particals in water

Hi Folks, for a few weeks now I have had a particulate matter floating in my tank. From a distance, the tank looks cloudy, and up close you can see tons of stuff in there.

I made a quick video and stuck it on Youtube - hopefully that saves me having to inaccurately describe it (I need to re-do my scape, don't judge me):

http s://

(exclude the **space** after the http - TRT wouldn't let me post a link)

My question is - do I need a filter sock? What else could be causing it? I've read a bunch of other threads and that seems to be the common answer, but I've had my tank for well over a year & this came up a few weeks ago.

The only change I made was sticking in a GFO which is running a product called Siliphos (made by Dupla Marin)

Tank details:
400L (90G)
LPS corals
Fish: Blue Tang, Yellow Tang, Fiji Foxface, Flame Angel, Lawnmower Blenny, 2x small clowns, damsel.
NO3: 1ppm
PO4: 0.34 (hence the new GFO)
dKH: 9.0
Ca: 420ppm
Mg: 1280ppm
Salinity at 35
Temp is at 25C

Sump has sponges, Tunze 9410 Skimmer, GFO

What could be causing this?

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