mardi 20 septembre 2016

Tuesday all day

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready. All kinds of goodies from Cakehead bakeshop: snickerdoodle scones with cream cheese, apple strudel muffins, pimento cheese biscuits with a get the idea. Also, apples, peaches and nanners.

All kinds of news yesterday, some good and some not so much.

Dick - Ouch on you having pneumonia. Take it easy, friend.

Perry - Sorry to hear about some of the changes in your life.

Hack - Yeah on your good report at PT yesterday. Now now backsliding. ;)

Jeff - I trust the other doxie pickup worked out.

Twoface - I hope your Tuesday is better than *onday.

Went to the doc yesterday. I was amazed that when I called to make an appointment yesterday AM, that I actually got an appointment, AND I was in and out of there in 45 minutes! Well run outfit there.

Carry on peeps.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

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