mardi 20 septembre 2016

Twitcher21's Salt Water Adventures

I'm guessing this is the right place to "log" my thoughts and adventures in this new hobby of mine.

Before I start I would like to thank many of the posters on this board for their advice and knowledge, I am fortunate to have a couple of salty dogs here in Edmonton to lean on in person, but I cannot stress enough how much everyone on this forum has taught me. Even those people whose post starts with "HELP" what is this? or "HELP" my (blank) is dying!! I learned to research every purchase before hand and I didn't have to ask those questions because they did it for me. HA HA!!

So, about me. I am 38 years old, I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and the nearest Natural Salt Water is about 1500 Kilometres (950 Miles)away. I have three boys under the age of 14 and have been married to the hottest MILF I know (ain't I lucky). I have always had an interest in aquarium keeping but have never been established anywhere long enough to get involved. I have been bothering my wife for an aquarium for the last few years and she finally relented and we purchased a 45 gal for X-Mas of 2015.

We went to the LFS after X-Mas and I will be honest, I never thought twice about salt water. My wife however walked in and said "I want a Nemo Fish." So after much discussion we went home that day with a refractometer and some salt, and dozens of questions. I started with a 45 gal, some power heads and a canister filter. It worked, and it was a relatively cheap way to get started and get my wife on board. It sure does open your eyes to the possibilities though.

So we got the uglies, we got the worms and the snails and I was amazed the first time I saw an Aptasia. "something is growing in my tank, all on its own. THIS IS AMAZING!!!" We got a CUC and even went so far as to buy a fish. I will say that while the fish and the corals are interesting I still enjoy just sitting and watching the Hermit Crabs doing their thing.

As of the end of May things were going great, lots of pods, lots of purple growing, and everyone was happy and content, except for me. Typically North American I kept thinking about how bigger is better right? If only, If we had, Can you imagine if, We cannot buy that because. Lucky for me, my brother in law had a 90 gal w/ sump hanging out in his house, empty. After having twin girls, he all of sudden needed the room. So it was all mine for the low, low, price of FREE!!

Here I am at the end of September with a 90 gallon salt water reef tank, rocks, sand, fish, corals, snails, shrimp, crabs and so many "things" crawling around that I cannot get enough. Our growing season this year was the best its been in probably a decade and I barely touched my garden. I was too busy staring at a tank full of water in the basement. I have thoroughly enjoyed my self though.

Well that brings me up to date. I am going to the LFS tonight in hopes of picking up a One Spot Fox face to add to my tank, my first herbivore. As of this writing I have 3 Bangaii Cardinals, 2 Ocellaris Clowns, and 1 Coral Beauty. I did have a Red Scooter but he disappeared last week and is still MIA, I have a lid and he has never gone missing before so...

I have 1 Birds Nest frag that has grown like weed since I got it, 1 Hdnophona frag, 1 Acropora frag, 1 Fox frag, 1 Paly Colony, 1 Zoa Colony, 1 Mushroom Colony, 1 Pearl Bubble frag, 1 Branching Torch Frag that just split itself over the last month or so, and a colony of little waving hands that came with my LR and has really come along nicely.

I am really stoked about this new hobby and I am really looking forward to seeing what the future holds.

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