vendredi 23 septembre 2016

Jawfish with 2 patches?

Hey everyone I have a yellowheaded jawfish in my 10 gallon quarantine now for about 2 weeks. I notice that is has 2 little sort of white patches on its side...there really not even white more like a faint whitish color...there about the size of if you took a sharpie marker and pressed it onto a piece of paper. There only on 1 side of its body...past the stomach area. It does not look like ick really because the patches are rather large to be ick I think. The fish has great color, eats great, shows no sign of heavy breathing or anything like that. These patches have been on him since I got him in there. Any thoughts on this....I researched internal parasites and stuff. If it is ick or something the fish is not showing it at all. Sorry I do not have you know its hard to get pics of the jawfish on its side they move so fast! Its not that I dont want to believe its ick or marine velvet but nothing has multiplied...and again they really do just look like a "birthmark" or something like that. I think I have seen yellowclown gobys with these that one little patch on them before if I'm not mistaken.

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