lundi 26 septembre 2016

Ich... I know... :(

Hey guys.

I had an ich outbreak after introducing a new fish (no QT) and then a power outage that overstressed my display.

I lost that fish (blue tang), and my beloved coral beauty.

I know some fish are immune, and I'm wondering exactly what the mechanism for that is? Are there cysts infecting them that their immune systems kill off? Or do the cysts never attach?

I'm down to 4 fish. 2 are still in the display, 2 are in hospital tank. The two left in the display NEVER showed any sign of infection. I removed the infected fish fairly quickly, and they've been in hospital for nearly 4 weeks.

If my other fish are immune, how is the parasite continuing its life cycle?

I know to completely rid the display of Ich, going fallow for 72 days is the recommendation.

Trying to understand how the life cycle is continuing if they aren't hosting immune fish in the display.

this is a 75 mixed reef with 20g sump. I'm running an Emperor Aquatics Smart Lite 25 Watt UV Sterilizer.

I know UV isn't the cure, but at least it's probably helping a tiny bit.

Thanks again.

Hoping I don't have to go through the process of catching the last two, acclimating them to hypo, then introduction them to the HT. I also am unsure how long it is safe to keep these guys at 1.008-1.009 w/out adverse effects.

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