lundi 26 septembre 2016

90 gallon stocking advice

Hi Guys,

I recently upgraded from 13g nano tank to 90 gallon tank. currently I have below stock in 90g.

1 - ocellaris clown
1 - green chromis
1 - electric blue damsel
1 - anthias
1 - cleaner wrasse
1 - neon goby
1 - bicolor blenny
1 - juvenile tomato clown
1 - bangaai cardinal

total 9 fishes - all of them are roughly an inch size except neon goby and dr wrasse which are longer.

1 - hermit crab
1 - carpet anemon
2 - bubble tip anemone ( actually one which split into 2)

I am planning to add some more fish (say 3-4), 1 blood shrimp and some corals. Have I overloaded my tank already? if not what is the ideal number of fish i can keep in 90 gallon.please consider corals too. Thanks.

Also please comment on my fish selection for my reef tank. Thanks.

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