mardi 27 septembre 2016

Acro PC to LEDs

Ok, so I just bought an Acro from a local chain that will not be named when I went to get a new filter, and they were running it under PC lights with no actinic :doh:and I have an AI prime LED. I've been reefing for a while and have experience acclimating coral under normal circumstances, but with this dramatic of a change, I am at a loss. If anyone has any advice, it'd be a lot of help.

Right now I'm using the acclimation feature, and everything is dimmed to 80% of what I usually run except cool while, which I left at 60% since it has been surviving on white only PC for who knows how long. It's at the top of the tank, in medium flow, since I figured dimming the lights would be better than constantly moving it. Right now it is the only coral, so I can play with the lighting all I want.

Disclaimer: It cost next to nothing and was about to be killed by Cyno/bad lighting/dying leather in the same tank anyways, so if it survives, I get a nice, cheap, Acro. If not, it at least had a better chance of survival than at the store.

Currently it is pretty bleached out towards the base, but it still has visible polyps, and is a pale neon green on the top half. No tissue damage or recession. I did an iodine dip, and used an eyedropper to blow away cyno from the base and plug before it was put in the tank. Tank parameters are fine, 0's all around, 7.8 pH, ect, so I'm just worried about lighting at the moment.

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