vendredi 2 septembre 2016

New Jawfish heavy breathing

Hey about 2 weeks ago I got a yellowheaded jawfish into my 10 gallon quarantine and a yellow clown goby. At first the jawfish was eating and doing fine for close to 2 weeks....I added a tanaka pygmy wrasse in just about 3 days ago. Ever since then the jawfish has been out in the open...not burrowing and as of recent heavy breathing...or fast paced. Its currently and has been on the sand bed breathing. I have provided the fish with a very deep sand bed to burrow as well as PVC pipe etc etc. The sand is a mixed of crushed coral yada yada yada. What they need basically. I feel like bringing the wrasse in caused this issue...I was not anticipating this being an issue as for the Tanakas are very cryptic and I would think would actually get more picked on by the jawfish. I do not observe the wrasse picking on the jawfish at all....I do however see the other 2 fish pass by him as if the jawfish is already dead. I understand that sometimes things just happen in this hobby...but does anyone have any suggestions...I keep hearing "fresh water dips" mentioned in situations like this. O and the jawfish before I put the wrasse in did appear to be eating somewhat...not like a hog but going after food and eating it at least that passed by its den.

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