dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Tank upgrade- My 120 build

I'll give a quick history of my involvement in the hobby. About a year ago I bought my first SW tank used. The setup came with a 70g tank, stand, canopy, plastic sump, T12 lights, Spectrapure RODI system, Rubbermaid cans, pumps and other misc. test kits and supplements. I got it for $400. I refinished the stand and bought some things to get the tank the way I wanted it after reading threads on TRT. I bought a Octopus NWB-150 skimmer, a 20L tank for the sump, and a Hydra LED light. All of my upgrades were for eventually upgrading to a 120 gallon tank. I took the tank very slow. I added dry rock and live sand and cycled the tank for about 3 months. I have since added 2 clowns, two chromis, and a chalk bass. I also told myself that I didnt want to add corals and get all complicated with the tank. Well needless to say I recently added two zoa frags and a torch coral. All are doing well and now I'm excited for this new build.

I recently bought a 120 gallon tank with dual overflows, stand, 40 breeder sump, and an Ehiem 1262 return pump. Tank came with all the plumbing that the previous owner installed.

I still need to buy some equipment before I can get it running. I will need another heater, a second AI Hydra, and more rocks and sand.

Anyway I can't wait to get this build going. Here are a few pics of the equipment as I got it in my garage:

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