dimanche 30 novembre 2014

Mini carpet compatibility


Yesterday I visited the pet shop as usual and instantly fell in love with this mini carpet anemone, which is now settling in my tank. It is placed away from the corals and bubble tip anemone and seems to be content with where it is.

It looks like it's in two halves, but it isn't. The rock is actually in two pieces and the anemone is attached to both.

I've always wanted to keep sexy shrimp or a porcelain crab in the tank but the clownfish would probably kick them out of the BTA. Would a mini carpet be alright with sexy shrimp or porcelain crabs taking up residence on it (I'm aware they may well choose to live somewhere else)?

I've done my homework on these anemones but any general tips you guys can provide me with would be wonderful. Thanks for your time!

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